
This is the blog section, full of interesting content.

Vue SPA without CLI, Node and Webpack

Vue Single Page Application with no CLI, Node and Webpack and other build process

C# Image Upload Extenstion (Resize, Fixed Size, Correct Image Orientation)

This helper extension class will let you resize image with option for fixed aspect ratio. This also adjust the image to its correct orientation.

Hands-on Vue.js for Beginners (PDF Version)

This is the mobile PDF version of Marina Mosti's Hands-on Vue.js for Beginners tutorial.

Entity Framework 6 Code-First Tutorial

In this tutorial, using Entity Framework Code-First approach, we will create a small book information app ...

A Very Simple User Registration and Login in EF

A very simple open-source membership class library for your .NET/C# application with Entity Framework 6 Code-First.

CodeShare Starter Kit Updated for Umbraco v8

The CodeShare Starter Kit has been updated for Umbraco v8 with some improvements for performance.

Umbraco v8 is released

Umbraco v8 is now released. Find out more about it here.

CodeShare Starter Kit is released

The starter you have been waiting for is finally here. You are actually using it or viewing it now.